Free Image Enhancer & Image Upscaler

Image Enhancer

Image Enhancer Tool

Before Enhancement

Before Image


Before Image Comparison


After Image Comparison

How it works:

  1. Image Upload: The user uploads an image using the input[type="file"] element.
  2. Image Preview: Once the image is uploaded, it’s displayed in the page.
  3. Simulate Image Enhancement: The simulateImageEnhancement function simulates enhancing the image (you would replace it with an actual API call to enhance the image).
  4. Download Button: Once the image is “enhanced,” a button appears that lets the user download the image.

How to extend this:

  1. Server-Side Enhancement: Replace the simulateImageEnhancement function with a call to a server-side API that enhances the image (using a backend service or model).
  2. Enhanced Image: The enhancedImageUrl would be the URL of the enhanced image returned by the server.
  3. File Formats: You can tweak the allowed file formats (like .jpg, .png) or even add image compression steps if needed.

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